A Chance To Die

Title:               A Chance To Die: The life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael

Author:          Elliot, Elisabeth, 1926-2015.

Imprint:        Fleming H. Revell, ©1987

Collation:      382pages;168*235 mm

ISBN:              0-8007-1535-7

Class Code:  见证 A C T D -EE

  • Summary

<A Chance to Die> is a vibrant portrayal of Amy Carmichael, an Irish missionary and writer who spent fifty-three years in south India without furlough. There she became known as “Amma,” or “mother,” as she founded the Dohnavur Fellowship, a refuge for underprivileged children.

Amy’s life of obedience and courage stands as a model for all who claim the name of Christ. She was a woman with desires and dreams, faults and fears, who gave her life unconditionally to serve her Master.

Bringing Amma to life through inspiring photos and compelling biographical narrative, Elisabeth Elliot urges readers to examine the depths of their own commitment to Christ.

  • About the Author

Elisabeth Elliot (1926-2015) was one of the most perceptive and popular Christian writers of the last century. The author of more than twenty books, including Passion and Purity, The Journals of Jim Elliot, and These Strange Ashes, Elliot offered guidance and encouragement to millions of readers worldwide.

Thrice Through The Valley

Title:                Thrice Through The Valley

Author:           Valetta Steel with Ed Erny

Imprint:         Valetta Steel, ©1986

Collation:      158 pages;107*178 mm

ISBN:              CCCN-86-50200

Class Code:  见证 T T T V -VSEE

  • Summary

The inspiring story of a courageous woman who survived three tragedies that took the lices of her husband and children.

‘Mrs. Steel, it’s getting colder. The rain is turning to ice. There has just been an accident on the 37 bypass. I’m sorry to have to tell you that your children and their friend have just been killed.’

Suddenly I felt as if I had been pushed over a high cliff into a wild, seething sea, unable to swim. But remarkably, at that very moment, I felt myself in the strong embrace of the Spirit of God.

I was lifted upward, above the cold winter trees, sweetly, securely, into the warm presence of my Father. With a calm, which I instinctively knew had its source from beyond my own being, I heard myself say, “Officer, I know where they are. They are with God.”

  • About the author

Valetta Steel is a missionary with OMS International in Taiwan. A graduate of Indiana University-Purdue University. Valetta attended Spring Arbor College before marrying Henry Steel, whose battle with Hodhkin’s Disease is documented in the book <Under the Sentence of Death>,now in its eighth printing.

How To Pray

Title:              How To Pray: The best of John Wesley on prayer

Author:         Wesley, John, 1703-1791.

Imprint:       BARBOUR, 2007

Collation:    96 pages;106*175 mm

ISBN:            978-1-60260-14-0

Class Code: 初信 H T P   -JW

  • Summary

Let John Wesley guide you into a deeper prayer life-these excerpts from his prolific writings will motivate and challenge you to greater communion with God. In approximately 45 readings, Wesley explains the why and how of prayer for believers at any stage of the Christian life. Lightly edited for ease of reading, Wesley’s insights are sure to improve the way you pray!

  • About the author

John Wesley was known for many things—his preaching, his writing of boods and hymns, his compassion for the poor. But underlying all of his amazing achievements was his devtion to prays.

Drawing on Wesley’s many writings, this book provides a glimpse into his heart of prayer.Whether he’s explaining “the Lord’s Prayer” or simply showing the role prayer in other areas of life, Wesley offers many helpful insights into this most vital of all Christian activities.

The Secret of guidance

Title:               The Secret of guidance

Author:          F.B. Meyer

Imprint:        Moody, 2010

Collation:     192 pages

ISBN:             978-0-8024-5454-6

Class Code:  培灵 T S O G -FBM

  • Summary

In Secret of Guidance, first published in 1896, Meyer addresses one of the most crucial questions for every religious person: How do you find proper guidance? For if one is to lead a proper life according to God’s will, one must have a pretty good idea of what God’s will is. Many pray for guidance, and here Meyer attempts to show believers how they may start to discern God’s answer to those prayers. He further explains those conditions that may be keeping people from following the guidance that they have been given. Secret of Guidance is a useful guide for any Christian who feels lost on their path and is looking to reconnect with God.

  • About the Author

B. Meyer (1847–1929), a contemporary and friend of D. L. Moody and A. C. Dixon, was a Baptist pastor and evangelist in England involved in ministry and inner city mission work on both sides of the Atlantic. Author of numerous religious books and articles, many of which remain in print today, he was described in an obituary as The Archbishop of the Free Churches.

Purpose in Prayer

Title:                 Purpose in Prayer

Author:            Bounds, Edward McKendree, 1935-1913.

Imprint:          U.S.A.: NewKensington, Whitaker House, ©1997.

Collation:        192 p., 102*152 mm.

ISBN:                978-0-88368-438-2

Class Code:     培灵 P I P -EMB

  • Summary

The prayer of faith is one force that can turn your life into a testimony of God’s divine power. In fact, it is the only power in the universe that can change the purposes of God and bring victory to the Christian life. Even so, it is a power that is used too infrequently.

M. Bounds encourages every believer to open a “vista of infinite resource and possibility” by living a life of purposeful prayer. He explains yow you can:

  • Have the assurance of God’s answer every time you pray
  • See the results of your prayers
  • Obtain all that God has for you
  • Receive your inheritance and all that is Christ’s
  • Do all things by God’s aid
  • Know what to pray for
  • Grow in the likeness of Christ
  • Overcome the obstructions to daily prayer and meditation
  • Live in perfect love

The success and power of the Christian life depend on our ability to pray. Discover how you can be on the forefront of what God is doing and how you can become a living witness to others. The secret is prayer!

  • About the Author

(Edward McKendree) Bounds (1835–1913) has given us a powerful legacy of prayer, believing it to be the strongest link between God and man. Bounds was a pastor and editor who spent many years reading, writing, praying, and taking part in revival ministry. Deeply concerned for the world, Bounds would rise at 4 a.m. to pray. Since the time of the apostles, no man besides Bounds has left such a rich inheritance of research into the life of prayer.

Power Through Prayer

Title:              Power Through Prayer

Author:         E.M. Bounds

Imprint:       Whitaker House, 1982

Collation:     143 pages

ISBN:             9780883681176

Class Code: 培灵 P T P -EMB

  • Summary

Power Through Prayer teaches readers that prayer is much more than just another thing to cross off their lists each day. This guidebook provides believers with information about the most effective ways to use prayer to better understand God’s word, fully appreciate divine power, and more deeply commune with God. Power Through Prayer has the potential to transform a static but faithful Christian life into one that is dynamic, ever-changing, and always learning.

Do you want to pray with power? Are you experiencing the abundant life? You can discover how effective prayers will transform you into a dynamic Christian with a deeper understanding of the Word. Personal and direct communication with God will revitalize and invigorate you. If you make prayer a key factor in your life, you will know the fullness of divine power. E. M. Bounds wrote this book for Christians who want to be mighty prayer warriors. Here’s how you can have power through prayer!

  • About the Author

A chaplain during the American Civil War, Edward M. Bounds was a prolific writer especially about the importance of prayer in Christian life. After being released as a prisoner of war, Bounds traveled the country as an itinerant pastor, bringing many to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.


Conformed to His Image

Title:                Conformed to His Image / Servant as His Lord: Lessons on Living Like Jesus

Author:           Oswald Chambers

Imprint:         U.S., Discovery House , 1996

Collation:     224 pages; 136*203 mm

ISBN:             1-57293-020-9

Class Code: 培灵 C T H I -OC

  • Summary

Growing spiritually is a well-known Christian responsibility, but where can you go to find time-tested, biblical wisdom to guide you?

This collection by Oswald Chambers, considered one of the most influential teachers of the 20th century, brings you answers and practical applications to help develop your spiritual life.

This well-known author of My Utmost for His Highest walks you through topics like spiritual failure and frustration to help you find the authentic Christian life you desire.

Oswald Chambers also shows you how God uses adversity to reveal Himself and give your life a quality of Christ-likeness.

  • From the Back Cover

Let go of the “old you” and become a new creature in Christ. In Conformed to His Image Oswald Chambers invites you to do this. Then he offers you a practical guide that will move you out of your doldrums of spiritual failure, frustration, and listlessness into the Christian life as you have imagined it could be.

With startling clarity, Chambers proves once again that the Christian life of power and satisfaction is not just for “saints” but for everyday believers. “The transformed life is not merely possible. It is the birthright of every Christian.”

In The Servant as His Lord, Chambers explores with compassion and insight why Jesus Christ predicted that His followers would experience many tribulations. But he goes on to show how God gives us a fighting chance to triumph, and he explains that Jesus Himself is eager to nourish and guide His saints in their hours of conflict.

The one great message of this book makes clear the truth that through it all, the Lord’s servant may be, and should be, “as his Lord.”

  • About the Author

Oswald Chambers (1874-1917) is best known for the classic devotional My Utmost for His Highest. Born in Scotland, Chambers had a teaching and preaching ministry that took him as far as the United States and Japan. He died at age forty-three while serving as chaplain to Allied troops in Egypt during World War I.