
书名                 义配恩源荡荡流——宗教改革五百周年文集

英文名              Living Streams:Martin Luther’s Theological and Spiritual Legacy-Essays in Commemoration of 500 years of Refomation

作者                  陈廷忠等

分类                  神学 25 16 05 25

Imprint          香港:牧职神学院,2017年11月初版

Description   223 pages, 140*210 mm

Language       繁体

ISBN               978-988-77857-1-2










序一/陈廷忠            序二/冼日新


马丁路德宗教改革思想的酝酿与成形:在耶尔福与威登堡的日子(1501-1517)——    廖玉强

从苦难与十架重寻我们的身份:马丁路德的《海德堡辩论》回应迈克.布蒂格姆(Michael Bräutigam)——李成杰













书名                   赤心——诗篇可以这样读

英文名               Heart of Valour:15 Sermons on the Psalms

作者                   陈廷忠

分类                   研经 03 24 00 00

Imprint            逆天文化,2018年初版

Description    198 pages, 148*210 mm

Language       繁体

ISBN               978-988-14825-8-7























书名                 忠孝两全——当代华人基督徒祭祖实用指引

英文名              Faithfulness and Filialness:A Manual for Contemporary Christian Chinese. Response to Ancestral Pract

作者                  麦兆辉/顾琼华

分类                  宗教  26 24 12 17

Publisher         香港:浸信会,2008年10月

Description     103 pages, mm

Language        繁体

ISBN               9789629337483




















The Christian’s of a Happy Life

Title:                The Christian’s of a Happy Life(中文译本《信徒快乐秘诀》,译者-彭子材)

Author:           Smith, Hannah Whitall, 1832-1911.

Imprint:         Barbour Books, 1985.

Collation:      163 p., 130*204 mm.

ISBN:             0-916441-27-X

Class Code:  进深 T C S O -HWS

  • Summary

Since its first publication in 1870, <The Christian’s of a Happy Life> has remained one of the Christian world’s favorite books, with good reason. For Hannah Whitall Smith truly believed God intended His creation to enjoy a happy, prosperous life, and she intended to show each reader God’s path to that happiness.

Written for the average reader, yet overflowing with substance for thought, this book is practical, personal, powerful – an invitation to lead life at its fullest and most blessed.

  • About the Author

Hannah Whitall Smith (1832–1911) did not have an easy life. Of her seven children, only three lived to adulthood. In spite of, and perhaps because of, her unhappy circumstances, she was able to advise Christians on how to find and keep the joy of the Lord in A Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life, her widely read and much loved book of Christian Holiness theology. Constant themes in her writings include the assurance of salvation and freedom from anxiety, as she portrays the richness of God’s love and His desire to relate to us as the perfect Parent, Savior, Protector, and Friend. Hannah was also active in the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union.

Becoming A Vessel of Honor

Title:              Becoming A Vessel of Honor

Author:         Brown, Rebecca,1956-  .

Imprint:       Whitaker House, 1990.

Collation:     305 pages;134*213 mm

ISBN:             0-88368-322-9

Class Code: 进深 B A V O -RBMD

  • Summary

This book is written for all those children of God who hunger and thirst after a close personal relationship with Him. It is for those who long to hear His voice in their innermost being, who will not be satisfied with anything less than the experience of His presence and glory. It is for those who value such a relationship with our wonderful Creator enough to be willing to pay the price in their own lives to achieve it–the pain of daily carrying the cross. This book is for those who are willing to strive for holiness in obedience to our beloved Master, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The purpose of this book is to help you understand the rapidly expanding world of the occult so that you can not only cleanse yourself from any involvement in it, but also so that you can avoid its traps.

—Rebecca Brown, MD

Subjects include:

  • The key to spiritual power–personal holiness
  • The armor of God–how to use it effectively
  • The sin nature–how to understand it and control it
  • Defilement of God’s temple–how to avoid it
  • The Holy Spirit vs. demon guides–knowing the difference
  • Deliverance–case studies and guidelines

This book contains secret satanic war plans previously not found in print. It reveals how the followers of Satan are openly confronting the followers of Jesus Christ. You must learn the key to spiritual power before you need it!

A must for every child of God!

  • About the Author

Dr. Rebecca Brown has written three best-selling books: <He Came to Set the Captives Free>, <Prepare for War>, and <Becoming a Vessel of Honor>, which have been translated into over twelve languages and are used worldwide as teaching and ministry tools. She and her husband, Daniel, collaborated on another best seller, Unbroken Curses. This dynamic couple has a powerful international ministry of spiritual warfare.

The Wounded Healer

Title:                The Wounded Healer: ministry in contemporary society

Author:           Nouwen, Henri, 1932-1996.

Imprint:         IMAGE BOOKS, 1972.

Collation:      100 pages;138*207 mm

ISBN:              0-385-14803-8

Class Code:   进深 T W H   -HJMN

  • Summary

The Wounded Healer is a hope-filled and profoundly simple book that speaks directly to those men and women who want to be of service in their church or community, but have found the traditional ways often threatening and ineffective. In this book, Henri Nouwen combines creative case studies of ministry with stories from diverse cultures and religious traditions in preparing a new model for ministry. Weaving keen cultural analysis with his psychological and religious insights, Nouwen has come up with a balanced and creative theology of service that begins with the realization of fundamental woundedness in human nature. Emphasizing that which is in humanity common to both minister and believer, this woundedness can serve as a source of strength and healing when counseling others. Nouwen proceeds to develop his approach to ministry with an analysis of sufferings — a suffering world, a suffering generation, a suffering person, and a suffering minister. It is his contention that ministers are called to recognize the sufferings of their time in their own hearts and make that recognition the starting point of their service. For Nouwen, ministers must be willing to go beyond their professional role and leave themselves open as fellow human beings with the same wounds and suffering — in the image of Christ. In other words, we heal from our own wounds. Filled with examples from everyday experience, The Wounded Healer is a thoughtful and insightful guide that will be welcomed by anyone engaged in the service of others.

  • From the back cover

In this hope-filled and profoundly simple book, Nouwen offers a radically fresh interpretation of modern ministry. Here he inspires devoted men and women who want to be of service in their church or community, but have found the traditional ways of ministry alienation and ineffective.

According to Nouwen, ministers are called to identify the suffering in their own hearts and make that recognition the starting pint of their service. For Nouwen, ministers must be willing to go beyond their professional, somewhat aloof role and leave themselves open as fellow human beings with the same wounds and suffering as those they serve. In other words, we heal from our wounds.

  • About the author

HENRI NOUWEN was a Dutch-born Catholic priest, professor, and pastor, who gained international renown as the author of over 30 books on the spiritual life, including such classics as The Wounded Healer, The Inner Voice of Love, and The Return of the Prodigal Son. Nouwen’s books have been translated into more than 30 languages and have sold upwards of seven million copies worldwide, resonating with people across the religious, spiritual, cultural, and political spectrum. Since his death in 1996, ever increasing numbers of readers, writers, teachers, and seekers have been guided by his literary legacy.

The Satanic Revival

Title:               The Satanic Revival

Author:           Bubeck, Mark, 1928- .

Imprint:        Here’s Life, 1991.

Collation:      263 pages;153*228 mm

ISBN:              0-89840-314-6

Class Code:   进深 T S R   -MIB

  • Summary

…reveals what is happening across our nation today, but Mark Bubeck doesn’t stop there. He shows how spiritual revival among today’s Christian believers is the biblical answer to this engulfing plague of Satanism.

This book provides practical tools for you to be part of the greatest spiritual awakening of the century. Your family and loved ones can use the weapons of your warfare to withstand Satan’s unprecedented assault. Together, we can defeat the powers of darkness.

This book shows you how.

  • About the author

Dr.Mark I. Bubeck is the bestselling author of The adversary and Overcoming the Adversary. He serves as president of the International Center for Biblical Counseling in Sioux City,  Lowa.