His Thoughts Said…His Father Said…

Title:                  His Thoughts Said…His Father Said…

Author:             Carmichael, Amy,1867-1951.

Imprint:           U.S.A.: Fort Washington, CLC Publication, 2013, © 1941.

Collation:        108 p.,  108*178 mm.

ISBN:                978-0-87508-91-3

Class Code:     培灵 H T S H -AC

  • Summary

Amy Carmichael voices the inner thoughts we all have that bring discouragement, doubt, and fear, and this gives a godly response that dispels these false ideas. His Thoughts Said … His Father Said … provides bite-sized, biblical answers to your unspoken questions about God’s guidance, spiritual dryness, God’s supply, grief and suffering, hard situations and more.

  • About the Author

Amy Wilson Carmichael (1867-1951)was a Protestant Christian missionary in India, who opened an orphanage and founded a mission in Dohnavur. She served in India for 55 years without furlough and wrote many books about the missionary work there.

Bone Of His Bone

Title:                 Bone Of His Bone

Author:            Huegel, Frederick Julius, 1889-1971.

Imprint:          U.S.A.: Fort Washington, CLC Publication, 2017, © 1999.

Collation:        120 p., 133*202 mm.

ISBN:               978-0-87508-689-7

Class Code:     培灵 B O H B -FJH

  • Summary

What if you could find the key that would deliver you from the feeling of Failure in the face of an overwhelming stream of the law of sin? The secret key, longed for by believers everywhere, is contained in the pages of Scripture and revealed here in this book. We must move past the mere IMITATION OF CHRIST to a PARTICIPATION IN HIM? His suffering, His resurrection, and His victory. We must become Bone of His Bone.

  • About the Author

F.J. Huegel(1889-1971)was converted while in college as he read The Life of Christ by F. W. Farrar. He gave himself thereafter to full-time ministry and served as a chaplain in World War I and as a missionary to Mexico for 25 years. He taught at Union Seminary in Mexico City. He also had an evangelistic ministry in Mexico’s prisons. Huegel wrote and traveled to speak for God on the power of the cross and the inner life of the believer through the believer’s participation in Christ.

Born Crucified

Title:                 Born Crucified

Author:            Maxwell, Leslie Earl, 1895-1984.

Imprint:          U.S.A.: Chicago, Moody, 2010, ©1945.

Collation:       224 p., 126*176 mm.

ISBN:               978-0-8024-5456-0

Class Code:    培灵 B C  -LEM

  • Summary

E. Maxwell writes, “The cross is the key to all situations as well as to all Scripture.”By relating the cross as essential to the life of the believer, Professor L.E. Maxwell simply and practically shows how an understanding of our identification with Christ in his death and resurrection can lead to life as it was meant to be lived. It is by living with a cross-centered perspective that we can have both victories over sin and power to serve God well.

Maxwell’s heart and vision for training up young people with the truth of God’s Word and the necessity of evangelism shine forth in this little book. Readers know authenticity when they read it – and Maxwell exudes it.

  • About the Author

Leslie Earl Maxwell (July 2, 1895 – 1984), was an American-born Canadian educator and minister.

Maxwell was born in Salina, Kansas in 1895. He was a graduate of the Midland Bible Institute, a short-lived school of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Kansas City. He was invited to come to the town of Three Hills, Alberta by J. Fergus Kirk, a Presbyterian lay preacher, and farmer. Maxwell’s assignment was to teach the Bible to the local young people through a structured curriculum he was to develop. On October 9, 1922, the Prairie Bible Institute was opened with eight students.

E. Maxwell readily became the school’s dynamic principle and eventual president. Under his leadership, Prairie Bible Institute grew to become Canada’s premier missionary training center with international influence among evangelical Christians. In addition to the Bible School in Three Hills, another Bible Institute was initiated in the north at Sexsmith, Alberta and a Christian Academy was added on the Three Hills campus in the 1930s. After Maxwell’s death in 1984 two more post-secondary schools were created to train missionary pilots and professional trades personnel. Today, as many as 900 students study each year at one of these five schools founded or influenced by L.E. Maxwell.

Over the course of his teaching ministry Maxwell authored several books including Born Crucified, Crowded to Christ, “Abandoned to Christ”. and World Missions: Total War. Another book he had been working on, Women In Ministry, was published after Maxwell’s death by co-author and fellow Bible educator, Ruth Dearing. After 58 years as principal, president, and professor, L. E. Maxwell retired in the spring of 1980 near the age of 85.


书名 圣经基督论
英文名 Biblical Doctrine of Christ
作者 黄彼得
类别 研 19 10 10 04
Publisher 印尼玛琅:东南亚圣道神学院,1992年1月初版
Description 299 pages,   156*215 mm
Language 竖繁
ISBN 957-587-289-4








黄彼得(Rev. Peter Wongso)牧师,年青时从家乡福建移居印尼学做生意,后来悔改信主,于1951年蒙神恩待呼召,一生献身传道,入读印尼东南亚圣道神学院接受装备,并进修获得美国福乐神学院宣教学硕士,三一神学院神学博士学位。



书名 培养坚固家庭
英文名 Growing A Spiritually StrongFamily
作者 丹尼斯&芭芭拉·瑞尼(Dennis & Barbara Rainey)
类别 家 16 25 10 07
Publisher 新加坡:学园传道会,2004年6月,©2002
Description 106 pages,   149*210 mm
Language 繁体
ISBN 981-05-1333-X




——布鲁斯.威尔金森(Bruce Wilkinson)

纽约时代周刊最畅销书《雅比斯的祷告》(The Prayer of Jabez)作者


——加裡.斯莫雷(Gary Smalley)

畅销书《打开孩子心灵的钥匙》(The Key to Your Child’s Heart)作者


丹尼斯(Dennis)和巴巴拉.瑞尼(Barbara Rainey)夫妇是学园传道会分支机构「家庭生活事工」(FamilyLife)的联合创办者。他俩合着了一些畅销书,如《夫妇相聚时刻》(Moments Together for Couples)及《亲密无间》(Staying Close)等。丈夫丹尼斯还主持每日播放的广播节目《今日家庭生活》(Family Life Today),该节目的听众每周达到四百万之多。瑞尼夫妇共同育有六个子女,以及两个孙儿。目前全家居住在美国阿肯色州的小岩城。


书名 神圣与凡俗——市井的信仰与灵性
英文名 A Secularized Saint——Towards a Christian Workplace Spiritually
作者 龚立人
类别 培 19 19 25 06
Publisher 香港:学生福音团契,2007年3月,©2003
Description 154 pages,   140*210 mm
Language 繁体
ISBN 978-962-8838-08-0






第一部分 市井的心灵
第一章 为三餐也神圣
第二章 不需遗憾
第三章 生命中的惊讶
第四章 练精学懒

第二部分 市井的归回
第五章 人在江湖中的神话
第六章 召命与专业
第七章 灵性的追求

第三部分 市井的悠然
第八章 没有把握的生活
第九章 夹心人的使命
第十章 塑造新文化
第十一章 等待的日子
第十二章 创造空间


书名 活在圣灵中
英文名 Keep in Step With the Spirit
作者 巴刻
译者 霍玉莲
类别 培 08 26 19 12
Publisher 香港:基督徒出版社,1995年
Description 300 pages,  107*167 mm
Language 繁体
ISBN 962-244-290-0




  • 第一章带领我们进到一个结论:要了解圣灵新的职事,全系于一个中心思想,那就是圣灵体现主耶稣自己和他的职事。这个论据就如一道醒胃的头盆。
  • 第二章是从上述的角度去查考圣经有关圣灵的教训。这可算是餐汤吧–可能味道较浓,但是营养丰富。
  • 第三、四、五、六章是本书的主菜——展示卫斯理的完全主义、传统凯锡克信念及近代灵恩派属灵气质。同时把一套活在圣灵里的古老观念重新表达出来。
  • 最后摆上来的自然是甜品(通常这是套餐中最甜的)—论及保惠师复兴基督身体的工作。


詹姆斯·恩尼尔·巴刻(简称巴刻;James Innell Packer,简称 J. I. Packer,1926年7月22日-),是著名基督教神学家。 他是加拿大英属哥伦比亚省维真学院的教授,被公认为是当代最具影响力的福音派领袖。 他获得文学学士 (1948),文学硕士(1952)和哲学博士(1955)。 他的神学思想深受其牛津大学教授C·S·路易斯影响。