Our Brilliant Heritage

Title:             Our Brilliant Heritage, If You Will Be Perfect, Disciples Indeed

Author:        Oswald Chambers

Imprint:       U.S., Discovery House, 2013

Collation:    358pages; 136*203mm

ISBN:            978-1-57293-042-1

Class Code: 培灵 O B H I -OC

  • Summary

God has entrusted humanity with His Word and He intends to demonstrate His character through His disciples. When our minds are focused on God and we are growing in the realization of the purity of Christ’s heart and His wonderful strength and power, we will find that that same characteristic is being worked out in us. In this three-in-one-volume, Oswald Chambers writes, ‘Sanctification must be the direct gift of God by means of the instrument of the most earnest, intense, and personal faith.’ Chambers says no one can acheive sanctification; we must inherit and appropriate it through a vital relationship with God through Christ.

  • From the Back Cover

Three timeless books in one volume!

Touching on a wide range of subjects,from Christian principles to the human mind, discipleship to biblical ethics,they take you to the heart of Oswald Chambers’ message for the “equipping of the saints” (Ephesians 4:12).

If you want to follow Christ daily,to walk with God as a faithful disciple and know His presence in your life, to understand some of the deeper mysteries of spiritual living, this book is a treasure trove of wisdom.

  • About the Author

Oswald Chambers (1874-1917) was born July 24, 1874, in Aberdeen, Scotland. He came into a personal relationship with Jesus as his Savior in his teen years under the ministry of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, and studied art and archeology at the University of Edinburgh before answering a call from God to the Christian ministry. He then studied theology at Dunoon College.

From 1906-1910 he conducted an itinerant Bible-teaching ministry in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan.

In 1910, Chambers married Gertrude Hobbs. They had one daughter, Kathleen.

In 1911 he founded and became principal of the Bible Training College in Clapham, London, where he lectured until the school was closed in 1915 because of World War I. In October 1915 he sailed for Zeitoun, Egypt (near Cairo), where he ministered to troops from Australia and New Zealand as a YMCA chaplain. He died there November 15, 1917, following surgery for a ruptured appendix.

Although Oswald Chambers wrote only one book, Baffled to Fight Better (since updated and titled Our Ultimate Refuge), more than thirty titles bear his name. Mrs. Chambers, a court stenographer, compiled the rest of her husband’s published works from her verbatim shorthand notes. For half a century following her husband’s death she labored to give his words to the world. <My Utmost For His Highest>, his best-known work, has been continuously in print in the United States since 1935 and remains in the top ten titles of the religious book bestseller list with millions of copies in print. It has become a Christian classic.

The Spirit of Christ

Title:               The Spirit of Christ

Author:           Andrew Murray

Imprint:         U.S., Whitaker House, 2018

Collation:       219 pages; 140*216 mm

ISBN:              978-1-60374-856-8

Class Code:    神学 T S O C -AM

  • Summary

Andrew Murray’s writings were a cherished and vital part of his ministry in Africa. In this classic work, Murray stresses the importance of one truth: the Holy Spirit must be known by every believer as an indwelling life of spiritual power. For Murray, this indwelling is to be accepted and treasured until it becomes part of the consciousness of the believer. As the Holy Spirit possesses us, all of our lives, even the least things, must be surrendered to His leading. If God’s people can learn to wait on the Holy Spirit for divine leading and working, placing ourselves entirely at His disposal, there will be manifestations of the Spirit’s power in the church such as the world has never known. In The Spirit of Christ, Murray covers all aspects of the Holy Spirit, in the hope that God’s glory will begin to work through His church in powerful ways that would be a witness for all the world.

“In my observation of the lives of believers, I have been very deeply impressed with one thought: that our prayer for the mighty working of the Holy Spirit through us and around us can only be powerfully answered as His indwelling in every believer is more clearly acknowledged and lived out.” –Andrew Murray

  • About the Author

Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was a well-known South African writer, teacher, and pastor. More than two million copies of his books have been sold, and his name is mentioned among the other great leaders of the past, such as Charles Spurgeon, T. Austin-Sparks, George Muller, D. L. Moody, and more.

  • Contents
  1. A New Spirit and God’s Spirit
  2. God’s Spirit and Your Obedience
  3. How to Wait for the Spirit
  4. Be Filled with the Spirit
  5. The Baptism of the Spirit
  6. A Divine Outpouring
  7. Power for Your Life
  8. How to Worship in the Spirit
  9. The Spirit Gives Life
  10. The Spirit of the Glorified Jesus
  11. The Indwelling Comforter
  12. How to Know the Spirit
  13. Truth to Live By
  14. The Gift of the Spirit
  15. How to Glorify Christ
  16. Saving the World from Sin
  17. Evangelism: You Can Participate
  18. Set Free!
  19. How to Be a Child of God
  20. Revitalizing Your Prayer Life
  21. The Holy Spirit and Your Conscience
  22. Hoe to Acquire Wisdom
  23. The Spirit and the Flesh
  24. Are You Spiritual or Carnal?
  25. You Are the Temple of the Holy Spirit
  26. Receiving the Spirit by Faith
  27. The Spirit of Love
  28. The Unity of the Spirit



书名 黄金阶梯
英文名 Building Christian Virtures Volume1
作者 伍尔本(Hal Urban)
译者 曹明星
分类 家 08 10 10 20
Publisher 宇宙光,2003年2月
Description 119 pages,  108*167mm
Language 繁体
ISBN 957-727-686-2







伍尔本(Hal Urban) 博士,拥有历史硕士学位,后在旧金山大学获得教育与哲学博士。伍尔本博士热衷教学,也很喜爱年轻人。他致力引发年轻人的潜能。




书名 默观圣痕的圣徒
英文名 Saint of affentive devotion
作者 肯培斯(Thomas a Kempis)
分类 培灵 13 07 19 08
Publisher 香港:基督教文艺,2002年7月
Description 225 pages, 106*164 mm
Language 竖版繁体
ISBN 962-294-184-2




肯培斯(Thomas a Kempis, 1380-1471),出身贫农,一三八零年出生于德国肯盆 (Kempen),因此被称为肯培斯多马。肯培斯在十三岁时,前往荷兰笛凡得城受了七年教育。他熟读圣经与圣本笃的作品。毕业后,再前往荷兰北部日欧里(Zwolle)修道院就读,他是共同生活兄弟会(The Brethren of Common Life)的一分子,一直担任初入修会者的教师,逾半个世纪。他以非常严谨的生活态度处世,强调贫穷、谦卑、顺服和善行,矢志委身于主,过圣洁的生活。他发现真正的信仰不是建立在行善,而是单单相信耶稣基督的救恩。


书名 生命总有伤痛时
英文名 When life hurts:Understanding God’s place in your pain
作者 杨腓力
译者 徐成德
分类 培灵 19 13 26 25
Publisher 台北:校园书房,2011年4月
Description 62 pages, 136*199 mm
Language 简体
ISBN 978-986-198-201-4


Why, God, Why?

生命, 总有一些时候,我们的心因痛失亲爱的人而向神呐喊; 总有一些时候,我们因难以承荷的痛苦而跪倒于地; 总有一些时候,苦难剥夺了生命的美丽与欢愉,徒留惨境、失望,与怀疑。


生命总有伤痛时,伤痛难免疑问; 疑问,其实可以成为盼望,成为得享祂恩典的门户。


杨腓力,是《今日基督教》(Christianity Today)杂志的特约编辑,其著作丰富,是美国的畅销作家,其中六本作品更荣获美国 ECPA 年度书籍金牌奖。




书名 苦罪悬谜-从中西哲学探索’恶的问题’
英文名 A riddle of suffering and sin
作者 梁燕城
分类 培灵 11 26 24 13
Publisher 香港:天道书楼,1986年7月五版
Description 210 pages, 104*182 mm
Language 繁体
ISBN 962-208-028-6




第一章 理性法庭与控辩双方
第二章 控方阵营两打手:休谟与伊辟鸠鲁
第三章 方外之士的高视阔步
第四章 奥古士丁的细密拆解
第五章 爱任纽的化腐朽为神奇
第六章 中国哲学的灵感
第七章 从中国到基督教
第八章 孤灯下的反省–哲学方法的探讨
第九章 清晨孤峰上的默想.


书名 每日箴言
作者 苏颖智
分类 研经 13 18 26 25
Publisher 香港:天道书楼,1993年2月
Description 318 pages, 129*185 mm
Language 简体




苏颖智牧师,毕业于美国德州休士顿大学(University of Houston),主修哲学及希腊文,获学士学位(B. A. Honors)。继而在美国西南浸信会神学院(South-western Baptist Theological Seminary)进修,获道学硕士学位(M. Div. Honors),跟著到达拉斯神学院深造(Dallas Theological Seminary),攻读系统神学,获神学硕士学位(S. T. M. Honors);同期又在西南浸信会神学院完成教牧学博士学位(D. Min)。


