The Jesus I never Knew


Title:               The Jesus I never Knew

Author:          Philip Yancey

Imprint:        U.S., Zondervan, 1995

Collation:     298 pages; 140*210

ISBN:             978-0-21923-1

Class Code:  福音 T J I K -PY

  • Summary

“There is no writer in the evangelical world that I admire and appreciate more.” —Billy Graham

Philip Yancey helps reveal what two thousand years of history covered up….

What happens when a respected Christian journalist decides to put his preconceptions aside and take a long look at the Jesus described in the Gospels? How does the Jesus of the New Testament compare to the “new, rediscovered” Jesus—or even the Jesus we think we know so well? Philip Yancey offers a new and different perspective on the life of Christ and his work—his teachings, his miracles, his death and resurrection—and ultimately, who he was and why he came.

From the manger in Bethlehem to the cross in Jerusalem, Yancey presents a complex character who generates questions as well as answers; a disturbing and exhilarating Jesus who wants to radically transform your life and stretch your faith. The Jesus I Never Knew uncovers a Jesus who is brilliant, creative, challenging, fearless, compassionate, unpredictable, and ultimately satisfying. “No one who meets Jesus ever stays the same,” says Yancey. “Jesus has rocked my own preconceptions and has made me ask hard questions about why those of us who bear his name don’t do a better job of following him.”

  • About the Author

A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Philip Yancey earned graduate degrees in Communications and English from Wheaton College Graduate School and the University of Chicago. He joined the staff of Campus Life Magazine in 1971, and worked there as Editor and then Publisher. He looks on those years with gratitude, because teenagers are demanding readers, and writing for them taught him a lasting principle: The reader is in control!

In 1978 Philip Yancey became a full-time writer, initially working as a journalist for such varied publications as Reader’s Digest, Publisher’s Weekly, National Wildlife, Christian Century and The Reformed Journal. For many years he wrote a monthly column for Christianity Today magazine, where he served for several years as Editor at Large.

The Yanceys lived in downtown Chicago for many years before moving to a very different environment in Colorado. They enjoy skiing, hiking, wildlife, and many other delights of the Rocky Mountains.

A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life

Title:            A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life

Author:       William Law

Imprint:      U.S., Bridge-Logos, 2008

Collation:    367 pages

ISBN:            978-0-88270-453-1

Class Code: 培灵 A S C T –WL

  • Summary

Originally published at the beginning of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, a time when rationalist criticism of religious belief was perhaps at its peak, William Law’s A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life succeeded in inspiring the most cynical men of the age with its arguments in favor of a spiritual life. More than simply articulating a set of rules to live by, Law’s book examines what it means to lead a Christian life and criticizes the perversion of Christian tenets by the Establishment—whether secular or spiritual—whose real aim is temporal power. With a preface by the Reverend William Sloane Coffin, Jr., whose own direct engagement in social causes still finds inspiration in Law’s argument, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life is a book that can still speak to our time.

  • About the Author

William Law, the 18th-century Anglican priest who heavily influenced the theology of John and Charles Wesley, lambastes pious hypocrisy and the corruption of the church in A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, the latest reissue in Vintage’s Spiritual Classics series. Law’s prose is fresh and vivid as he illustrates the holy Christian life as one lived wholly for God. His thoughts on prayer, personal holiness and service to the poor will resonate with many contemporary readers.

The Normal Christian’s life

Title:             The Normal Christian’s life

Author:        Watchman Nee

Imprint:      U.K., CLC Publication, 2009

Collation:    254 pages

ISBN:            978-0-87508-990-4

Class Code: 初信 T N C L -WN

  • Synopsis

Watchman Nee’s great Christian classic tracing the steps along the pathway of faith and presenting the eternal purpose of God in simple terms. Its central theme: “Christ our Life.”

Watchman Nee based his speaking on the first eight chapters of the New Testament book of Romans. Nee takes the first eight chapters of Romans as a “self-contained unit” and divides these chapters into two parts: Romans 1:1 to 5:11 as part one and Romans 5:12 to 8:39 as part two. In the first part of Romans “sins” is given prominent attention and deals with the question of the sins man has committed before God. However, the second section deals with “sin,” that is the inward nature, or inward working principle, within man that causes a man to commit sin. Thus there is a difference between the acts of a sinner, sins, and the inward nature of a sinner, sin. Nee reveals that God’s dual remedy is the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Cross of Christ. The Blood “deals with what we have done, whereas the Cross deals with what we are. The Blood disposes of our sins, while the Cross strikes at the root of our capacity for sin”.[4] As Nee progressively moves along in his book, he first touches upon the Blood and then focuses upon the Cross for the remainder of the book.

  • Review

If only every Christian and pastor would read this, take it to heart, and let the Holy Spirit lead. My thought is similar to Watchman Nee’s concern though, that many of us would take this to heart, but continue in our ways trying to make it happen, or turning it into our own ministry with our own rules and beliefs. Oh, that we would let the Holy Spirit lead. There is no division of the church or the Body of Christ except on the basis of Location. I think Watchmen Nee makes a very good case for this in this book.

  • About the Author

Watchman Nee, or Ni Tuosheng (Chinese: 倪柝声4-11-1903— 30-05-972), was a Chinese church leader and Christian teacher who worked in China during the 20th century. In 1922, he initiated church meetings in Fuzhou that may be considered the beginning of the local churches. During his thirty years of ministry, Nee published many books expounding the Bible. He established churches throughout China and held many conferences to train Bible students and church workers. Following the Communist Revolution, Nee was persecuted and imprisoned for his faith and spent the last twenty years of his life in prison. He was honored by Christopher H. Smith (R–NJ) in the US Congress on July 30, 2009.

The Christian’s secret to a happy life

Title:             The Christian’s secret to a happy life

Author:        Hannah Whitall Smith

Imprint:      U.K., B&H Publishing Group, 2017.

Collation:    308 pages

ISBN:            978-1-4336-4999-8

Class Code: 初信 T C S T -HWS

  • Summary

Sometimes it just feels like life is beating us up. We worry about our family, our health, our money, our time, and in the process, we run ourselves ragged. These stressors are not a recent phenomenon but have been with humanity since the fall. Even though The Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life is over 130 years old, author Hannah Whitehall Smith was aware of the age-old problems that plague humanity. In her studies, she discovered that there is a way to handle the stressors in our lives in a healthy way that builds us up instead of tearing us down. That way of dealing with life’s trials is through living faithfully in the rest and comfort that Jesus offers us. True happiness does not come from an absence of difficulty, but through the loving embrace of our Savior

  • From the Back Cover

Hannah Whitall Smith (1832-1911) did not have an easy life. Of her seven children, only three lived to adulthood. Her husband was unfaithful. And as a woman in ministry, she fought an uphill battle. In spite of, and perhaps because of, her difficult circumstances, she was able to advise Christians how to live a happy life through a close relationship with the perfect Parent, Savior, Protector, and Friend. Her words still ring true today for all Christians struggling to find joy.

The inspiring message of A Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life reveals the profound secret of true happiness. The wise counsel of this beloved author will nurture and strengthen your faith, your consecration, and your obedience to the will of God. You can be free of doubt, fear, insecurity, depression, temptation, failure, and much more.

  • About the Author

Hannah Whitall Smith (1832-1911) did not have an easy life. Of her seven children, only three lived to adulthood. Her husband was unfaithful. And as a woman in ministry, she fought an uphill battle. In spite of, and perhaps because of, her difficult circumstances, she was able to advise Christians how to live a happy life through a close relationship with the perfect Parent, Savior, Protector, and Friend. Her words still ring true today for all Christians struggling to find joy.

The inspiring message of A Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life reveals the profound secret of true happiness. The wise counsel of this beloved author will nurture and strengthen your faith, your consecration, and your obedience to the will of God. You can be free of doubt, fear, insecurity, depression, temptation, failure, and much more.



God of all comfort

Title:              God of All Comfort

Author:          Hannah Whitall Smith

Imprint:         U.S., Bridge-Logos, 2006

Collation:      259 pages;

ISBN:              0-88270-103-5

Class Code:  初信 G O A C –HWS

  • Summary

Comfort is a word seldom associated with religious faith by those who are not Christians. Doesn’t religion make people uncomfortable with its demands? Isn’t life more comfortable when we just live the way we want? Who needs to worry about a judgmental God watching our every move? Even the word Jesus is enough to cause people to squirm in their seats.

However, for many Christians the words Jesus and comfort are inextricably linked. In her classic work, God of All Comfort, Hannah Whitall Smith describes why faith in the Christian God leads to comfort and joy that cannot be found elsewhere. Without Christ, life is little more than living through doubt, fear, and anxiety. In her inspirational work, Smith reminds the reader of the reality of God’s promises to his people. With Christ, doubt, fear, and anxiety are obsolete feelings.

  • About the Author

HANNAH WHITALL SMITH (1832-1911) was born in Philadelphia to a Quaker family. Her life expressed the joy that is found in complete surrender to the Lord. The secret to a happy life, according to Whitall Smith, is to trust implicitly in the promises of the Bible. Her goal was not to impress the scholar but to elevate the simple man or woman who longed for a more consecrated way of living. Deeply practical, her writings deal directly with the day-to-day struggles of ordinary people.




书名 试炼你的信心
英文名 Faith,Doubts,Trials,Assurance
作者 彼得·马斯特斯(Peter Masters)
译者 司文
分类 培灵 19 12 14 04
Imprint 北京:团结出版社,2014.05
Description 162 pages, 145*210 mm
Language 简体
ISBN 978-7-5126-2819-9

内容简介  · · · · · ·

作者简介  · · · · · ·

彼得·马斯特斯博士(Peter Masters,1939~)年轻时曾在大英博物馆任职,对英国人文历史有深入研究,自1970年起担任伦敦都市会幕教堂(Metropolitan Tabernacle,即“司布真会幕”)的主任牧师,同时他也担任司布真所创立的神学期刊《剑与镘》(Sword & Trowel)的主编。期间进行学术研究,也撰写通俗读物,他还主持多个欧洲电视节目。至今已出版26部专著,也创作了许多通俗读物,备受读者喜爱。他的许多作品已翻译成十几种文字,其中《古以色列道德律》《有归宿的人生》《有目标的人生》《面对抉择》《个人·精神·生活》《所罗门情诗》《关于良心的问题》《试炼你的信心》、《历史遗留的证据》等数部作品已在中国出版。

目录  · · · · · ·

目 录
第1 部分 加深信心
第一章 检验我们信心的程度
第二章 坚固信心的八种方式
第三章 与信心相伴的德行
第四章 彼得小信的原因
第2 部分 应对疑惑
第五章 疑惑产生的原因及根治
第3 部分 克服试炼
第六章 保罗遇海难与信徒遇试探
第七章 我们自己是否也有一根“刺”?
第八章 我们所遇到的困难是管教还是试炼?
第4 部分 得到确据
第九章 得到并持守确据
第十章 确据与感恩
第十一章 确据与不可饶恕的罪
第十二章 感受神的同在
附录: 试炼——一个基督徒的视角



书名 面对抉择
英文名 Steps for Guidance
作者 彼得·马斯特斯(Peter Masters)
译者 维真
分类 培灵 13 04 10 26
Imprint 北京:团结出版社,2015.08
Description 201 pages, 145*210 mm
Language 简体
ISBN 978-7-5126-3688-0

内容简介  · · · · · ·

作者简介  · · · · · ·

彼得·马斯特斯博士(Peter Masters,1939~)年轻时曾在大英博物馆任职,对英国人文历史有深入研究,自1970年起担任伦敦都市会幕教堂(Metropolitan Tabernacle,即“司布真会幕”)的主任牧师,同时他也担任司布真所创立的神学期刊《剑与镘》(Sword & Trowel)的主编。期间进行学术研究,也撰写通俗读物,他还主持多个欧洲电视节目。至今已出版26部专著,也创作了许多通俗读物,备受读者喜爱。他的许多作品已翻译成十几种文字,其中《古以色列道德律》《有归宿的人生》《有目标的人生》《面对抉择》《个人·精神·生活》《所罗门情诗》《关于良心的问题》《试炼你的信心》、《历史遗留的证据》等数部作品已在中国出版。

  目录· · · · · ·

  1. 立场
  2. 六个步骤
  3. 恋爱和婚姻
  4. 各样活动、物品和娱乐
  5. 财富和人生抱负
  6. 慎思明辨
  7. 委身
  8. 对集体的带领